Helping Canadian professionals get control over their digital clutter by managing their email inboxes, staying on top of personal tasks, organizing digital and paper filing systems, and even planning special events so that they have time to focus on their priorities — their family, their wellness, their passions, and their careers.




  • First, you will book a discovery call to discuss how we can partner. If my services can support you and both parties would like to move forward, I will send you a New Client Questionnaire, following a three-month trial contract. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information to make our onboarding transition smooth and efficient. I also collect basic information to get to know you better and understand your goals.

  • I understand that one size does not fit all. That’s why I’ve created packages that range from high-touch support to one-off projects. Visit the Work With Me page to learn more about each package and schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss your specific needs.

  • This is a great question! My answer is yes. I provide services that help you organize the chaos by customizing efficient systems that are maintainable and free up your precious time so that you can spend more days doing what you really want to do.

    It’s important to have someone in your corner that you can rely on and trust to get those extra tasks done — and that is exactly what I do for my clients.

  • There is no better time than now! Most professionals (and especially working moms) feel like they have to do all the things. But the truth is, it isn’t possible to do all the things well.

    My goal is to support you in getting organized and developing systems that help maintain order so that you can spend less time searching for lost documents and emails and more time on what’s important both in your professional and personal life.

  • I get your email inbox to ZERO by creating customized folders, deleting and unsubscribing from the junk and unwanted subscriptions, and highlighting action items (a.k.a items that may need your attention) in an ASK CLIENT folder.

  • I digitize the paperwork that you’ve been wanting to digitize from my home office scanner. Each file is labeled and stored in a G-Drive and/or a USB stick.

    After it's all been digitized, I will deliver it to PulpShred - a safe and controlled environment for confidential shredding at the clients expense.

  • I am located in Calgary, Alberta - and offer virtual services to professionals and working moms located in the province of Alberta. The majority of my work is done in my home office in Calgary!

  • I don’t focus only on solving work productivity problems. I work with you to figure out how to factor in your lifestyle, sleep habits, the demands from your household, family, and friends, and how to prepare for the unexpected.

    When I use the term ‘holistic support’, it means that I don't simply provide tips, tools, and advice to help you with your chosen challenge. I work with you to uncover what is holding you back from a holistic perspective, taking into consideration all areas of your life and not going with a one-size-fits-all approach. 

    I look at your situation from multiple angles and provide support that is less robotic and more organic, seeing the whole picture. I guide you towards real lasting change in habits, routines, and systems to help keep you organized and have a healthy relationship with your responsibilities.

  • A “Chaos Coordinator” is tasked with simplifying the complexities of their client's lives with many moving parts, creating a stress-free, well-oiled machine. 

    As The Chaos Coordinator, I support my clients with organizational systems, task management, and all things in between so that they have more time for play.

    My clients deserve to have a personal approach to managing their unique business and lifestyle… sprinkled with caring words of encouragement, a loving push to stay accountable, and a pinch of tough love. 😉

  • I have 12 years of administrative experience working in the oil and gas industry and three years of experience in corporate event management. And now I’ve supported dozens of women coordinate their chaos as their personal Chaos Coordinator.

    My educational background includes:

    → Human Resource Management Certificate | Mount Royal University 2021

    → Event Management Certificate | Mount Royal University 2012

    → Residential Decorating Certificate | Mount Royal University 2010

    → Oil and Gas Administrative Assistant Diploma | Reeves College 2007

  • Clients are invoiced on the 15th day of each month. Invoices are due upon receipt, and if left unpaid, an additional late fee of $250 will be billed to the client for each week the invoice remains unpaid.

    I accept e-transfers to, or certified cheques payable to Better Than A Bot Inc.

    I do not accept credit card payments.


As your personal organizer, it’s important we’re a good fit. 

I’m ride or die for the right person.

Here’s who I’m looking for:

→ Available for a working partnership, transparent communication, and check-ins

→ Mutual respect for precious time

→ Believes in the value of being organized

→ Ready to take action

→ Open to trying new systems


Connect with Shayla over on Instagram.